La Strata the 411...

So a couple of weeks back, I may have aroused your interest in Movementpants latest work titled "La Spectra" with a beautiful photo taken by my friend and collaborator, Olek, of the company in equally beautiful costumes...also by Olek. Incidentally, we are having a board meeting to discuss whether we should change our name to "Olekpants". Anyway, now that you are mildly aroused (interest-wise), here is some more photos (above) and information on this project.

La Spectra began as an exploration of neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is an idea that asserts that atypical neurological development is a normal human difference that is to be tolerated and respected as any other human difference. As we've begun to develop this piece in rehearsals, the show has evolved into some sort of vaudevillian side-show where the cast-offs from a long lost Fellini film have resurrected themselves from the cutting room floor and again delight in the earthly pleasures of entertaining a (mostly) live audience. Sounds interesting? Well, sounds can be deceiving so we implore you to look at more pictures, and if that's not enough, please come see us perform at...

a) NYCties/NAC fundraiser at Touch on November 12


b) The Mary Anthony Dance Theater on December 12, 13, and 14th

We will be continuing to develop and perform this piece throughout the winter and spring so we would alternatively love any feedback and/or performance opportunities that may come our way from you, our reading audience. Enjoy!

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