SO Lucky

Movementpants has been performing on fairly consistent basis these days. However, with fans all over the world, and the nature of live performance being such that unless you are there the moment it is happening, you can't see it, many of our fans have been unable to see our performances. Many other live performance companies and artists have the same problem, so they document, or live-stream it or come up with other ways to engage their audience (as I've mentioned in a previous post...remember, only 80% of what you read here is bullsh*t). These efforts, while mildly engaging, never really seem to capture the feeling of actually BEING there, experiencing the event live, watching us respond to music in real time. You know, dance. That dance performance thing. Well, it turns out we, Movementpants, and our fans, are extremely lucky, because we have Anne. Anne is extremely talented. One of her talents is cinematography. Another is live Foley effects. Check out some of her work below, and feel what it's like to be....IN Movementpants! Oh, and don't worry if you don't get kind of had to be there.


  1. It does feel like being in movementpants (and I know what it feels like) ! This is brilliant, Rebecca looks great, the others too actually.
    You must perform this in france !

  2. Well, I am still fairly new to the blog world, despite the fact that I've been posting my poems for a while now. That could explain why I just saw Adrian's comment which is now months old. Yet I deeply appreciate the honoring of one's art by another artist. And I have had the distinct pleasure of seeing a Movement Pants piece, which was moving and funny and wonderful.
    I was struck by the attention to costume, as a way to throw a curveball into the already dazzling array of music and movements. The opening piece, set to ODB, has remained in my mind for the overt, gigantic movements of your lanky limbs, and your freaky compelling face, contorted into maniacal glee. I need more time, and perhaps further experiences in the audience, to fully process and comment on the other work. I truly look forward to attending another show, and hope to bring my notebook and turn some of your art into poetry.
    Speaking of which, I have recently finished reading a number of influential things, including poems by Stevens, Eliot, and especially Blakes' Marriage of Heaven and Hell, along with Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. These things have led me down a new path of exploring atheism, and the perspective of the human bound to earth and mortality. This from a poet who has considered himself deeply spiritual and compelled to mysticism at times. But the tension between those has been of great interest lately. Please do read my recently "blogged" poems. Peace and love!

  3. I REALLY WISH I SAW THIS LIVE! But let me tell you, this clip is EXCELLENT! I admire your hard work, the humor, the culture, the multifarious approach to performance, the everything, and how you treat your audience. What's next...I want to see...
